Josh Krum
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture)
These paintings are greasy and full of holes. Aleatory perforations splay across oily surface tension. These lie both structural and abysmal; each at odds with both the image and the surface, leaking styles, codes, techniques, colour. Synthetic motor oil attends to the metaphor of painting as a machine. Foregrounding the lubricating agent in the absence of fuel, a certain inertia is cast upon a shallow ground. Incessant deferrals, benzene headache and the superfluity of images become dissociative. The paintings are irrevocably undone and distorted by these extra-pictorial givens; the grease that never dries and the arrhythmia of puncture marks.
Josh Krum (b.1999) is also Co-Director of Asbestos alongside Aden Miller