Blake McCord
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture)
'Time is a flat circle,' a quote I recently heard in an episode of true detective. Watching this episode with my friend and his mum, brought me nearly to tears. This actually doesn't mean much, I'm brought nearly to tears daily, but this quote was significant to me. I have seen this circle, eternity is what Matthew McConaughey was speaking about, it seems I taste it more often now than ever. Just simply paying attention allows who I think I am to promptly vanish into a state of timeless, formless being, yet I still get angry on the road when some fuckwit cuts me off. The difference between these experiences is very interesting, the mind constricts and tightens whilst defending the ego against fuckwits on the road compared to the relaxed opening up of consciousness when attention is paid. So unfortunate this circle is always so unfamiliar.